Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blind Trust

When we left off in the last part Bey and Jay had some great sex then Kanye came over to discuss he and Jay's album artwork. After Kanye left, Jay and Bey cuddled up in bed then Jay brought up the topic of Rihanna, things got heated, Jay lost his cool and pushed her. Here we go!

Jay: *to himself* Oh shit! What the fuck did I just do!? *rushes over to Bey* Baby i'm so sorry! Are you ok!?
Bey: *holding her face and crying*
Jay: Shit! *picks her up and lays her on the bed* Baby please talk to me!
Bey: *still holding her face* Leave me alone.
(Jay removes Bey's hands from her face and see's a bruise forming on her chin and instantly feels bad.)
Jay: Baby I'm sorry. I don't what came over me.
Bey: *screaming* You're always sorry Jay!
Jay: Bey, calm down...
Bey: Nigga what the fuck!? You just pushed me into a mother fucking chair and you want me to calm down!
Jay: Bey it was an accident, I said I was sorry.
Bey: No it wasnt! An accident is if you bumped into me and I fell and hit my chin on the chair. You pushed me INTO the damn chair!
(Bey is hurt and she is furious. She never thought in a million years that Jay would ever put his hands on her or physically harm her on purpose)
Jay: Babe i'm so sorry! I promise it will never happen again!
Bey:*starts to tear up* You promised me you'd never do anything to hurt me Jay, physically or emotionally.
Jay: *pulls Bey into his arms* Bey, i'm so sorry! I just blacked out babe. I swear on my life I'll never push you like that again. I love you more than I love myself.
Bey: *sniffling* Ok... But if you ever push me again I will cut your dick off and make you give yourself head.
Jay: O.O Ok.
(Jay and Bey lay down and they begin to watch a french movie. Bey falls asleep a little later and Jay still feeds bad about pushing her so he decides to call room service and create a romantic dinner for the two of them. He calls room service and orders steak, mashed potato's with gravy, and greens and for dessert cheesecake ans chocalote strawberries and some apple cider. He then calls the front desk and asks them to send up some candles. He gets his iPod and turns on some romantic music. After the food is delivered he sets the table and puts the cider in an ice bucket and puts the cheesecake and the chocolate strawberries in the fridge to keep them hard. After he is done setting up he goes to wake up Bey.)
Jay: *shaking Bey* Baby... wake up.
Bey: *rolls over* Mmmm... Jay noo.
Jay: You hungry?
Bey: *jumps up* Yess!
Jay: *laughs* Come one I got us dinner.
(Jay helps Bey out of the bed and takes her out to the balcony where he has set up their dinner. Bey's eyes light up when she sees the food and cant wait to dig in. Jay pulls out Bey's chair then purs her some cider and passes her a plate with silverware before doing the same for himself. As soon as Bey gets her plate she starts fucking shit up.)
Jay: Damn baby, slow down, the food aint going nowhere boo.
Bey: I know, but i'm so hungry! You want that? *points to Jay's greens*
Jay: *sighs and puts his greens on her plate*
Bey: Thanks baby. *keeps eating*
(They finish their dinner and Jay decides it's time for dessert.)
Bey: Baby, that was so good.
Jay: I'm glad you liked it boo. You ready for dessert.
Bey: My nigga! *daps him up*
Jay: *laughs out loud* baby you a trip.
(Jay goes and gets the chocolate strawberries and cheesecake and cuts Bey a piece and gives her some strawberries before doing so for himself)
Jay: You enjoying yourself baby?
Bey: *mouth full* MHHHM!
Jay: Good, I just wanted to let you know I'm truly sorry for pushing you like that and you don't have to go to lunch with Rihanna tomorrow if you don't want to.
Bey: *sighs* Babe.. I'll go, but only cause I get a chance to shade her to her face.
Jay: *shakes his and and cups her chin* What am I gonna do with you?
Bey: Love me.
Jay: I already do. *kisses her* Now finish your cheesecake love.
Bey: With pleasure! *continues eating*
(While Jay washed the dishes Bey went to go take a shower. After she took a shower she laid down in bed and instantly fell asleep. After Jay finished cleaning up, he went to go find Bey. When he went into the bedroom he saw her asleep so he went to take his shower then cuddled next to her)
Jay: *lays down in bed and pulls Bey into his arms and whispers* Love babe.
Bey: *half asleep* Love you too.
(They bith go to sleep after that.)
Bey: *wakes up 1st* Hmm.. lemme try to make breakfast. (She brushes her teeth then heads to the kitchen)
Bey:*to herself* Im thinkin pancakes, bacon, and eggs? Yea.. I can do that.
(Bey begins to read the Aunt Jemima box)
Bey: Ok this looks easy. *starts mixin up the pancakes* I got this.
(Bey puts the 1st pancake on and it turns out good, so Bey is feelin pretty confident. She tries to do 2 at a time now)
Bey:Oh shit! I burned one. Let me try the eggs..
(Bey mixes up eggs and puts em on and turns on a playlist of all her music)
Bey:I need some inspirational music!
( Jay hears the music and smells the food)
Jay: Oh Lord.. Help me Jesus.
( Bey finishes making all the food and she thinks its a success she's super proud so she goes to wake up Jay)
Jay: *fakes sleep*
Bey: Shawn! Shawn wake up! *shakes him*
Jay: *opens his eyes* Yes love?
Bey: I have a suprise for you. Go brush your teeth and meet me in the dining room. *kisses him and runs out*
Jay: Lord.. help me. *brushes his teeth and goes in the living room to find Bey sitting at a candlelit table with this food that she obviously made and '03 Bonnie n Clyde" playin in the background*
Jay: Awww how cute! You made this?
Bey: *proud* MMHMM! Sit down
Jay: *sits* It.. smells good.
Bey: Thanks!
Jay: Okay well.. lets pray and then umm.. eat.
Bey: Okay!
Jay: Lord, Thank you for waking us up this morning and allowing us to see another day. Thank you for this food.. I think, and thank you so much for allowing my wife to create another life. Please keep them safe and uhh.. Don't let them eat anything.... harmful to their health. Amen.
Bey: Shawn! Did you.. Did you jist shade my food?!
Jay: Huh? No baby. Of course not. Lets eat.
Bey: Whatever.. *takes the 1st bite*
Jay: Umm.. how is it?
Bey: Taste it and see.
Jay: *takes a bite* O.o .. Mmmm its.... *swallows hard* good..
Bey: *face lights up* Really?!
Jay: Mmhmm..
Bey: Well lets eat up! We have a date with blood head remember?
Jay: Be nice.. Bey: Eat Jay.. Just shut up and eat..
(Jay forces himself to eat Bey's nasty ass food then they both eat, take a shower, and get dressed) Bey: *calls Rih*
Rih: Hello?
Bey: Heyyyy Gurl!!
Rih: Bey.. Beyoncé?!
Bey: Yassss! Why you sound so suprised?!
Rih: Huh uhh.. Idk.. Are you coming to lunch with me and Jay today?
Bey: Of course. You know I dont trust you around my husband.
Rih: Oh..
Bey: MMHMM! Bye girl!
Rih: Bye. *They hang up*
Jay: *side eyes her*
Bey: Whaaattttt?! You said be nice!
Jay: I said be nice, not slick shade the poor girl.
Bey: Anyway lets go.
(Bey and Jay get into the car and Julius drives them to the resturant. Jay spots Rih and and he and Bey walk over to her)
Rih: Hey Jay. Hello Beyonce, you like nice today.
Bey: Ch.. I look nice everyday.
Jay: *elbows her in her side and whispers* Say something nice back.
Bey: *rolls her eyes*
Jay: *whispers* Do it!
Bey: I like your umm... your.. um... phone?
Rih: Uhh.. thanks.
Jay: *shakes his head*
(They all sit down and order their food. While they wait for their food Rihanna decides to ask Bey to listen to some tracks for her new album)
Rih: I hope you don't mind but I brought my iPod with a few tracks from my new album i'm working on and I really want your input. *pushes the iPod toward Bey*
Bey: *looks at the iPod then at Jay, then Rih* I'm so sorry I can't I have an ear infection.
Jay: *kicks Bey under the table*
Bey: *punches him in the dick*
Jay: Ooooh shit!
Rih: What's wrong?
Jay: I umm.. have to use the bathroom. *gets up and goes to the bathroom*
(It's just Bey and Rih at the table and the tension is so thick you could cut through it with a knife)
Rih: I'm so axious to hear your new album Beyonce. I know it's gonna be hot.
Bey: I also know it's gonna go #1 something you wouldn't know much about. *smiles*
Rih: I have #1 singles *smiles*
Bey: But where is your #1 album boo?
Rih: *looks down and plays with her nails*
Bey: *to herself* Weak bitch can't take me.
Jay: *comes back from the bathroom*
(Shortly after Jay sits down the food arrives and everyone begins to eat.)
Jay: So Rih, what the name of that new album you're working on?
Rih: It's called Talk That Talk.
Jay: Oh cool name.
Rih: I have a song on the album it has the same name as the album and I was hoping you could lay down a verse?
Jay: I'm cool with that.
Rih: And Beyonce, I would also like to record a song with you.
Bey: *chokes on her steak*
Jay: *palms face*
Rih: Well...What do you say.
Bey: I'm sorry, but I don't do songs with people who don't have #1 albums.
Rih: Oh.
Bey: It's nothing personal, it's something my father taught me.
Jay: *whispers* You don't even like your dad.
Bey: Shut up.
Jay: Well after this I can go to the studio and lay down my piece.
Rih: Really!? Thanks Jay.
(They finish up their lunch and Jay pays the bill.)
Jay: Baby imm a ride with Rih in her car, you gon be ok?
Bey: *catching an attitude* Yeah whatever.
Jay: Baby, don't be like that.
Bey: If you're going with forehead, hurry the fuck up and get out my got damn face.
Jay: Ill be back in 2 hours the latest...I love you.
Rih: Bye Beyonce, i'll send my tracks with Jay so you can listen to them after you get over your ear infection.
Bey: *to herself* This bitch can't take a fucking hint. *To Rih* You do that.
Jay: I'll bring you back something sweet ok?
Bey: Whatever. *closes the car door*
Jay: *sighs then gets in the car with Rih*
(Rih and Jay have just finished the track.)
Rih: Thanks for being on my track Jay.
Jay: No problem Rih.
(They hug then Jay takes a cab and stops at a store and gets her some butter pecan ice-cream and some candy. He gets to the hotel
 and sees Bey watching TV.)
Jay: Hey babe.
Bey: Hey.
Jay: *hands her the bag*
Bey: Thanks.
(Jay takes off his clothes then get in bed with Bey)
Jay: You mad?
Bey: Why would I be mad?
Jay: cause I agreed to do the song with Rih. *kisses her chin*
Bey: You can do what you want.
(They watch TV for a little bit then Jay's phone rings*
Jay: Hello?
Kanye: Turn to the news!
Jay: Why?
Kanye: Remember that bitch you Keisha you used to fuck?
Jay: Yeah.
Kanye: Bitch wrote a book and you in it!
Jay: The fuck that hoe say?
Kanye: You're the father of her 10 year old son...
