Monday, May 28, 2012

Hold You Down

In the last post Bey revealed to Jay that she cheated on him with his friend Jeremy. Ty almost used his third strike on Bey, Jay and Kanye took Julez to breakfast the next day. After they left Bey's hotel room Jeremy came by.
(Jay, Julez and Kanye leave, soon there's a knock on the door and Bey goes to answer it.)
Bey: *gasp Jeremy*
Jeremy: Baby I'm back *kisses her*
Bey: *pushes him off*
Jeremy: Baby whats wrong?
Bey: *sighs* I made a mistake getting involved with you. I love Jay, he's the only man i'll ever love.
Jeremy: Look Bey, I know i'll never be Jay but can't you at least give me a chance.
Bey: Jeremy no! I want you to leave.
Jeremy: I'm not leaving until I get what I came for. *grabs her and pushes her on the couch*
Bey: And what exactly did you come for? *trying to get up*
Jeremy: You know what I came here for. *yanks up her shirt*
Bey:  STOP!
Jeremy:*kisses her hard and puts his hand in her panties*
Bey: *crying and kicking* Jeremy stop! Let me up!
Jeremy: *slaps her* STOP FUCKING MOVING!
(Jeremy doesn't see when Jay comes in. Jay grabs him off of Bey and throws him on the floor.)
Jay: *punches him in the mouth* You have some nerve to be fucking my wife then smiling in my face. *stomps on his face* Then you come up in here and try to rape her too!? Naww man, you got life fucked all the way up! *kicks him in the stomach*
(Kanye runs in and sees Jay kicking Jeremy's ass so he decides to join in on the fun.)
Kanye: *yanks up Jeremy by his shirt* You a punk ass nigga yo! *holds him while Jay punches him in the stomach*
Jay: *pulls out his gun and puts it to Jeremy's head* Gimme one good reason why I shouldn't blow your mother fucking brains out!
Jeremy: *tries to speak*
Jay: *hit's him in his face with his gun* Ye, take this nigga to the car we gon finish his ass when we get back to your place.
Kanye: Aightt. *drags Jeremy downstairs to the car*
(Jay goes over to where Bey is crouching. Her beautiful face is stained with tears and is swollen because of the slap Jeremy gave her)
Jay: Come here. *pulls her in his arms*
Bey: I'm sorry Jay. I'm so sorry. *crying*
Jay: I know baby. *kisses her forehead*
Bey: Do you still love me?
Jay: You know I do.
Bey: Don't leave. I need you.
Jay: So what happens if this baby isn't mine.
Bey: It is yours. Jeremy and I always used condoms.
Jay: I would still like for you to go and find out the date of conception.
Bey: Ok, I will.
(Jay picks Bey up and lays her down in the bedroom, he goes back to the kitchen to get some ice for her face then lays down beside her. He texts Kanye and tells him to finish off Jeremy without him. Bey and Jay just lay there and watch TV for a little until they hear a knock on the door. Jay goes to answer it.)
Jay:*opens the door* Hey Keisha, what up?
Keisha: Nothing much, I just stopped by witht he test results so we could read the together.
Jay: Alright well lets do this shall we?
(They open the envelope and take out the papers)
Jay: Shawn Corey Carter is not the biological father of Jaylen Gregory Haynes. Damn.
Keisha: I'm really sorry to have wasted your time Jay.
Jay: Nahh it's cool. Better to be safe than sorry.
Keisha: Thanks for doing this anyway.
Jay: No problem.
(Keisha leaves and Jay goes back to lay down with Bey.)
Bey: Who was that baby?
Jay: It was Keisha with the test results.
Bey: Are you Jaylen's father?
Jay: Nope.
Bey: Are you disappointed?
Jay: *shrugs* I don't really know how I feel. I have mixed emotions about it.
Bey: *kisses him* Well.. at least you tried.
 Jay: Yup (Bey lays her head on Jay's chest & he holds her until they fall asleep.)
(Meanwhile back at Solo's place Solange and Daniel have just put Julez to bed. As Daniel was about to leave Solo stopped him.)
Solo: I have something I need to tell you.
Daniel: What is it?
Solo: Remember when we slept together before we came to Paris?
Daniel: Yeah Why?
Solo: I'm pregnant.
Daniel: WHAT!? You have to get rid of it! I'm engaged. I can't be dealing with this shit Solo!
Solo: I'm not killing it Daniel, you can forget about that.
Daniel: I'm not gonna be apart of this then.
Solo: So you're saying you're not going to take care of your child?
Daniel: Man..*scratches head* I don't know. Things are finally going good with me. I just had a baby Solo, I don't need another one right now.
Solo: *starting to tear up* Fine. If that's how you feel you don't have to be in this childs life. Just know that you won't be seeing Julez anymore either.
Daniel: You can't keep me away from my son Solo!
Solo: Do you hear yourself Daniel? Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?! You wanna be in Julez's life but you don't wanna be in this baby's life? That's unfair and selfish as hell and you know it!
Daniel: Look, I didn't say that alright. And you won't stop me from seeing Julez.
Solo: If you don't do right by this baby I promise you you'll never see Julez again. *slams door in his face. Uggh! Asshole.
Julez: *comes out of his room crying* *sniff* Mommy?
Solo: *turns around hella fast* Baby whats wrong?!
Julez: *still crying* Mommy Im.. Im never gonna see Daddy again?
Solo: *to herself* Fuck! This boy hears everything. *To Julez* Ohh baby. Of course you're gonna see your daddy again.
Julez: But you said..
Solo: *sigh* I know what I said , but I didnt mean it.
Julez: You promise?
Solo: I promise
*The Next Morning* *Jayoncé's hotel room*
Bey: (I woke up and smelled bacon and pancakes and thats when I knew my baby was back. He saved me yesterday. My big lipped hero *giggles* I love him so much and I know I fucked up , but I won't do it again. The fact that he saved me and took me back makes me realize how much he really loves me. Now.. Im gonna go find out when I made this baby so that we can be done with all this mess. I got up out of bed, went to brush my teeth and fix my hair so I could look decent for my man. I walked into the kitchen all sexy.) Good morning Big Daddy.
Jay: *giggles* Good morning Sweetheart. (Damn.. Even when she first wakes up, Bey be lookin sexy as hell. I swear Im the luckiest man alive. Yeah I know she cheated and blah blah blah , but when I came up yesterday and saw that nigga Jeremy tryna rape her everything that she did flew out the window and all I cared about was rescuing my queen. Ugh why am I so sprung? *laughs* I guess its that good creole pussy.)
Bey: Whats so funny? *side eyes him*
Jay: Huh? Oh.. I was just laughin at that piece of hair you got stickin up.
Bey: *whines* Jayyyyy. Fix it!
Jay: Ok Ok crybaby. *laughs and fixes her hair*
Bey: Hey Jay?
Jay: Yes Bey?
Both: I love you.
(Soon they hear a knock on the door and Bey goes to answer it.)
Bey: *opens the door* Hey Solo. HI Julezie.
Julez: *jumps in her arms* Hi BB.
Bey: Julez, go to your room. *puts him down* Solo what's wrong?
Solo: Can you watch Julez for a little while please?
Bey: Sure is everything ok?
Solo: Yeah, everything's fine. I'll call later to check on him.
Bey: OK. *Solo leaves*
(Bey goes in the kitchen and see's Jay fixing Julez a plate as she sits down at the table the hotel room door busts open*
Jay and Bey: WHAT THE FUCK!?
Angie: Ty! Shut yo loud ass up! Bey might still be sleeping!
Ty: *walks in the kitchen* OH What is this I see? Big Daddy is back?
Jay: Man whatever Ty.
Angie: *walks in* OOP! Big Daddy is back!
Ty: That's right bitch, gimme my money!
Angie: *hands Ty $100*
Bey: Yall aint shit! Making bets on people.
Ty: *making himself a plate* What we finna do today girl! I been in Paris two days and I need to go man hunting.
Jay: Yall not finna be taking Bey anywhere to look at men. The only man she finna be looking at is me.
Angie: YASSS Daddy! Take control.
Ty: Ummph! That's what your ass gets.
Bey: I was actually hoping to spend time with my nephew.
Julez: I was actually hoping to spend time with Uncle Jay.
Ty: OOP!
Angie: Damn.
Jay: I know that shit cut deep.
Bey: Julez you don't wanna spend time with your Auntie?
Julez: BB, when I was little yeah, but now i'm growing up and I wanna do boy stuff like Uncle Jay and Kanye.
Bey: *side eyes Jay*
Jay: *looks away* Ch... You not finna side eye me! I'm innocent.
Bey: *flips her plate over* FINE! * stomps off to the bedroom and mumbles* I better be having a girl.
Jay: Ch.. come on Julez, lets go over to Kanye's place. *Jay and Julez leave*
(Angie and Ty go in Bey's room.)
Ty: Girl get dressed so we can leave!
Bey: I don't fell like it. Both my babies just abandoned me.
Angie: Beyonce if you don't get your pregnant ass up!
Bey: Fine!
(Bey changed into some jeans a cute shirt and some heels. She grabbed her wallet and and her phone and put it in her purse before she realized she didn't have Jay's black card.)
Bey: Alright yall I'm ready, but we have to stop over at Kanye's cause I don't have Jay's black card.
Angie: Bitch, don't you have a black card?
Bey: Yeah, but Jay always makes me use his so I guess it's kind of a habit.
Ty: I need to find me a nigga like Jay. He got your ass spoiled.
Bey: I am not spoiled. I'm well taken care of.
Angie: Lies bitch. Anyway lets go.
(They all go down to the car and Julius drives them to Kanye's hotel. They go through the back entrance to avoid paparazzi and go up to Kanye's room on the top floor.)
Bey: *knocks*
Kanye: *opens the door* Hey Bey.
Bey: Hi, is Jay here?
Kanye: Yeah come in.
(They all enter Kanye's hotel room and they see Jay sitting around this table with two other guys who look like people Jay used to hang with in Marcy)
Bey: Jay what's going on?
Jay: Come here.
(Bey goes over to Jay and he pulls her into Kanye's room and closes the door.)
Bey: Jay, whats going on?
Jay: I killed Jeremy.
Jay: Shhh! Last night when you fell asleep, Kanye called and asked if I was sure I wanted him to finish Jeremy off. I left the hotel and came over here. After I beat the shit out of him again he started talking about how good and tight your pussy was and how you be screamin his name and calling him Daddy and shit, I got pissed off and shot him in the mouth, then shot him in the head.
Bey: Fuck Jay!
Jay: Don't freak out when I tell you this ok?
Bey: *rubs her head*
Jay: I gutted him then me and Kanye wrapped him in plastic, he's in the closet.
Bey: Jay what the actual fuck!? This is some scary movie type shit!
Jay: Those guys are here to get rid of his body and all the traces of blood, so I need you to keep your mouth shut and don't say shit.
Bey: Where's my nephew?
Jay: In the other room. Don't worry he doesn't know what's going on. Why did you come here anyway?
Bey: I wanted the black card.
Jay: *gives her the card* Aye don't be running up my bill yo! When I got my last card statement I was finna make you pay me back with that sweet creole pussy.
Bey: Shut up. *giggles*
Jay: You think I was joking? You would've needed a wheelchair when I through with your ass.
Bey: *laughs* I'm about to leave. Be careful *kisses him*
Jay: Aight. Love you.
Bey: Love you too.
(Bey Angie and Ty leave to go shopping. They shop for about 3 hours, go man hunting with TY, get lunch and are on their way back to Bey's hotel when Bey gets a phone call.)
Kanye: Yo Bey! The police just arrested Jay!
Bey: WHAT!?
