Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1+1= Everybody And Their Mother

When we left off in the last part Bey sent Jay out to get her some stuff and called up her boo on the side to come over. Jay called and told Bey he was on his way back and Bey and her boo she had to cancel. On his way up, Jay spotted Bey's boo leaving.

Jay: Hey Bey! Umm..Why was Jeremy leaving here? Its kind of late...
Bey: Jay I.. We need to talk...
Jay: You fucking him Bey?
Bey: *doesn't answer*
Jay: *getting madder* Beyonce Giselle you better answer me. Imma ask you again, is you fucking him.
Bey: *softly* Yes.
Jay: *comes closer* I aint hear you Bey. What was that?
Bey: *a little louder* Yes.
Jay: *grabs her and pins her against the wall* YOU WAS FUCKING THAT NIGGA WHILE YOU HAD MY SEED IN YOU!?
Bey: *close to tears* Jay...*wriggles* You're hurting me.
Bey: *tears falling* It was only one time baby...
Jay: ONLY ONE TIME!? *punches the wall beside her head* YOU THINK THAT MAKES WHAT YOU DID ANY BETTER!? HUH!?
Bey: I didn't mean to hurt you baby... I love you. *crying*
Solo *comes out* What the hell is going on!?
Jay: Ask your whoring ass sister! Ask her how long she been fucking that nigga Jeremy! Ask her how she could let some other nigga fuck her when she got my seed growing inside her! Ask her Solo!
Solo: Bey, is this true?
Bey: *sobbing* Yes.
Solo: OH HELL NAW! If we weren't both pregnant I'd whoop your ass. Lemme call up Angie and Ty and tell them this shit! *goes to call them*
(Jay is standing by the couch in a daze, he never thought Bey would ever cheat on him. He's so confused and hurt he doesn't know what to do. Soon he hears a banging at the door.)
Jay: *opens the door*
Ty: *rushes in with curlers in his hair* WHERE IS BEYONCE'S ASS!?
Angie: *runs in with her sleeping cap still on* WHERE SHE AT!?
Jay: *points over to the wall where Bey is crying*
Ty: Oh no bitch! Hold them tears. I bet you wasn't crying when you let that nigga Jeremy run up in you!
Angie: Save them tears for your pillow boo! Suck it the fuck up!
Solo: *comes out* That's right!
Bey: How can yalll take his side?! *still crying*
Ty: You know what! *takes off his shoe and starts walking toward Beyonce*
Angie: Ty! You already have two strikes!
Ty: Girl, Jesus and those two strikes just saved yo life!
Solo: You cheated on him with his friend Bey! I would expect some shit like that from Ty or Angie or even me, but I NEVER thought you could be that dirty!
Jay: Look yall don't even waste yall breath. *to Bey* Imma need my ring back and you need to go and find out the date of conception cause I aint taking care of a kid that aint mine.
Bey: Baby, you don't mean that! You still love me!
Jay: Yeah I love you but what you did was foul. Beyond foul Beyonce. I don't trust you. When you have the baby, if it's mine imma handle my responsibilities and be a good father, but I feel like we need to take a break so you can decide if you really wanna be married or what.
Bey: Baby please! I don't wanna go through this by myself.
Jay: You don't have to. That's why you have Jeremy.
Ty: OOP! He went there!
Bey: *hands Jay the ring.*
Jay: You'll get it back when I think you've earned it and if not Imma take it apart and make some jewelry for my "child" or make a chain for Julez. (Jay leaves and Bey cries in the corner.)
Ty: Bey if you dont stfu with all that damn crying!! YOU fucked up! So stop all the tears!
Bey: *sniff* I know but.. *sniff*
Solo: Bey he's right. You shouldnt be the one crying right now.
Bey: *sniff* Can yall just *sniff* leave please? *sniff*
Ty: You know what?! I'm leaving! Because all this damn sniffing and cryin is gettin on my LAST nerve! Ch.. I did NOT run out my house in rollers for this. *grabs Angie* Lets go bitch.
Ang: Bye Bey! I love you. Call me! *They leave*
Bey: *sniff* *looks up at Solo*
Solo: Oh.. I know you wasn't talkin to me.
 Bey: *sniff* Solo please. I just wanna be alone right now..
Solo: *sigh* Okay Bey, but just know that when you call me I'll be there ok? I love you Thu Thu.
 Bey: *sniff* *cries harder* I love you too. *Solo leaves*
Bey: (ughh WHY Beyoncé WHY?! Damn I really fucked up! I cant believe I cheated with JEREMY! I mean.. he aint even that cute! Plus it wasn't even worth it , bc he was not good at all! *sigh* Nobody puts it down like Jay.. Lord. Please let this baby be his, because right now.. i'm not sure. *rubs her belly* Damn I forgot Julez was in the room sleeping. I should've told Solo to take him, but then again I don't mind having Julez around.)
Julez: *rubbing his eyes* Auntie why you crying?
Bey: It's nothing baby go back to bed.
Julez: Where's Uncle Jay?
Bey: He left.
Julez: Is he coming back?
Bey: I don't think so baby. Auntie messed up pretty bad.
Julez: *goes and sits on her lap* What did you do?
Bey: I gave another boy butt.
Julez: *gasps and holds his chest* Auntie you didn't!
Bey: *nods* I did.
Julez: You lying!
Bey: I'm afraid not.
Julez: Uggh! I can't!
Bey: *to herself* I can't with Julez acting just like Ty's dramatic ass.
Julez: Auntie BB why did you give butt to another boy?
Bey: Cause I was stupid.
Julez: Is Uncle Jay still gonna come see me and take me places and buy me stuff?
Bey: Of course he is. You know your Uncle Jay loves you.
Julez: Come on BB lets go to sleep, we'll fix it in the morning.
(Bey and Julez go into her and Jay's room and they cuddle up together)
Bey: ( I love Julez, I don't know what i'd do without him.Wait, am I really letting my six year old nephew fix my problems? Uggh I can't.)
Julez: (Lawd what did I just get myself into? Jesus be a comfort during this trying time)
(Bey and Julez drift off to sleep)
(Jay is over at Kanye's hotel and he's telling Kanye everything that went down.)
Kanye: Damn, I didn't think Bey was the type to cheat.
Jay: I know. And I can't wait until I see that nigga Jeremy. Imma fuck his world up. How dare he run that little ass dick of his up in my woman!?
Kanye: I got your back man. That was some foul shit Jeremy pulled.
Jay: You think you'd be down to come help me get my stuff?
Kanye: Yeah let's go.
(Bey is trying to make breakfast for her and Julez and it's not turning out to well.)
Julez: Auntie, maybe we should just order room service, since it's *gulp* safer.
Bey: Boy! You gon eat this breakfast. I'm slaving over a hot stove for your little butt.
Julez: (Lord, I know it's been awhile, but if you get me out of this I'm coming buy the church on Sunday)
(Just as Julez finishes his little prayer Jay and Kanye walk into the suite*
Julez: YASSSSS! *runs to Jay* God is faithful! Uncle Jay save me!
Jay: Hey Lil man what's going on?
Julez: BB is making breakfast. *shudders*
Jay: You wanna go out to eat?
Julez: *looks over at Bey's burnt waffles and eggs and back at Jay* Ch... Lemme get my shoes! *runs to his room*
Kanye: Mann that boy is a fool.
Jay: I know.
(There's an awkward silence and Kanye breaks it.)
Kanye: Hey Bey hows it going?
Bey: Hey Kanyee, i'm fine how are you? *tosses the eggs and waffles*
Kanye: I'm straight. '
Julez: *runs out* I'm ready Uncle Jay!
Jay: *to Bey* imma take him to get some food and then come back for my stuff, is that cool with you?
Bey: Yeah that's fine.
(Jay, Julez and Kanye leave. Soon there's a knock on the door d Bey goes to answer it.)
Bey: *gasp* Jeremy!?


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Secret Lovers ?

When we left off in the last part Jay and Julez went to the clinic to get a DNA test for Jaylen while Bey and Solo decided to chill with Ty and Angie and go shopping and get lunch. At the restaurant Bey, Solo, Angie and Ty beat the brakes off of Matthews hoe and didn't realize Jay saw everything. Their all at home chillin and laughing at Matthew's hoe.
Ty: Girl! Did you see her weave!? SHE RATCHET!
Solo: But did yall see how Thu Thu swung back and knocked that bitch out?
Angie: Yasss! Who said pregnant bitches couldn't fight!
Bey: Shut up Yall. *sits down next to them*
Ty: What took you so long hoe?
Bey: I was washing blood off my knuckles.
Angie: You know if Jay finds out he's gon beat the breaks off your pussy right?
Bey: And I'm complaining because..?
Solo: Bitch you nasty! I'm telling Mama!
Angie: Grow up Solo.
Ty: Yall will let Solo be great!
Solo: I knew there was a reason I love Ty more than yall hoes.
(Jay then walks in the door carrying Julez who's holding a water gun.)
Julez: Uncle Ty! *runs to Ty.*
Ty: Hey lil man! You looking more like your Auntie BB everyday.
Bey: Ty, you will leave my baby alone! *laughs*
Angie: I must be invisible or some shit!
Julez: Hi Auntie Angie! *hugs her*
Angie: Hi Baby. * hugs him*
Bey: What did yall do today?
Jay: We went to the clinic, then we went to get lunch and then I took Julez to the toy store.
Solo: I can't wait until yall have your baby so I can get yall back for making Julez a spoiled brat.
Julez: I'm not a brat mommy!
Solo: Of course you aren't sweetie. *kisses his forehead*
Jay: So, what did yall do today?
Bey: Shopping, Lunch, nothing special.
Jay: Really? How come you left out the piece where you whooped some hoe's ass.
Bey: Huh?
Jay: Don't play dumb Bey.
Ty: She aint playing Jay.
Angie: Ty you will let Slowyonce be great!
Solo: CTFUU!
Jay: *shakes his head then turns to Bey* Lemme holla at you for a second. *points to the bedroom*
(Bey gets up and follows Jay to the bedroom. As soon as the door closes Jay makes it known how pissed he is.)
Jay: Beyonce Giselle what the hell were you thinking?!
Bey: Baby she disrespected me. I couldn't just walk away like a little punk.
Jay: You do realize you pregnant with my seed right?
Bey: *shy voice* Yes.
Jay: *pulls her into a hug* Imma be very upset if something happens to you or the baby, just please be careful babe. Promise me no more fighting. Let Solo, Angie or Ty handle it.
Bey: Alright baby, I promise. I love you.
Jay: *kisses her lips* I love you too.
(Bey and Jay go back out in the living room. They all sit around and hang for awhile, then Ty and Angie decide to go back to their hotels and Solo and Julez goes to their room so Bey decides to call her mom and share the good news)
Bey: Hey Mama
Tina: Hey baby, how are you?
Bey: I'm fine Mama, what about you?
Tina: I'm doing fine sweetie, how's Jay?
Bey: He's right here watching TV.
Tina: How is everything going with your album?
Bey: it's going good, we should be back in about a week or so.
Tina: Well that's good, it certainly has been peaceful around here without Solo, Angie and Ty.
Bey: I wish I could say the same. Ty and Angie flew in today and have been harassing me ever since they got here. Have you heard from Michelle lately?
Tina: Yeah, she called yesterday, she's doing fine, her broad way career is really taking off.
Bey: Mama, how would you feel about being a grandmother again?
Tina: I keep telling you and Solo i'm ready for more. Why? Are you and Jay planning on having a baby?
Bey: I'm pregnant Mama.
Tina: *screams* Oh I'm so happy for yall baby!
Bey: Thanks, but, I'm scared Mama. What happens if I miss carry again?
Tina: Baby, you won't, all you have to do is stay stress free ok?
Bey: Ok mama. I love you.
Tina: I love you too See you soon.
(They hang up)
Bey: Jay, don't you think you should call your Mom and tell her the good news?
Jay: Yeah, i'll call her later on tonight.
Bey: Alright baby *kisses him*
Jay: *puts his hand on her belly* I cant wait to see my Lil Man.
Bey: You mean ya baby girl?
Jay: Nope. I mean my Lil Man.
Bey: Whatever big head. Don't be surprised when I pop out a mini Bey.
Jay: Oh shit big ears! I don't know if I can handle 2 of yall. *prays out loud* Lord PLEASE dont burden me with ANOTHER one of THESE! *points to Bey and laughs*
Bey: *hits him* Jay shut up! You know you love everything about me.
Jay: Yea Yea.. *kisses her*
Bey: Jay baby? Jay: Yes Mama? Bey: Wanna bring me some butter pecan ice cream with pickles , lays and some kind of fruity drink? Jay: Bey.. You ate the rest of the ice cream and chips.. Bey: Soooo.. go to the store for Mama? Jay: Ugh you better be glad iloveyou. *gets up* Ill be back. Bey: Bye baby. Jay: *leaves* *As soon as Jay leaves, Bey picks up her phone* Bey: *text* Hey boo. Hes gone ;) Mystery Person (MP) : Perfect ;) Open the door. Im on my way up. Bey: See you soon ! ;) MP: I cant wait ;) *Bey gets up and runs to the door* Bey: Hey stranger! MP: Hello Beyutiful. *hugs her tight* *Bey's phone rings* Bey: Ugh hold on. Its him.. *answers* Hey baby! Get my ice cream? Jay: Yup! Im on my wat home now. Bey: Damn that was fast. Okay. *hangs up* *sigh* Looks like we're gonna have to reschedule baby. Hes on his way back.. MP: *kisses her* iight Ma. Text me. Bey: Of course *Mystery person leaves and Jay shows up right after.* Jay: Hey Bey! Umm.. Why was Jeremy leavin here? Its kind of late.... Bey: Jay I.. We need to talk.. TBC....