Monday, March 5, 2012

Little Jay ? & Little Bey ? O.o

When we left off in the last part Bey and Jay went to lunch with Rihanna, and Bey threw mad shade at her. Jay then agreed to go lay down a verse on one of Rihanna's tracks causing Bey to catch an attitude. Jay brought her some ice-cream coming back from the studio so it was all good, then they were cuddled up in bed when Kanye calls Jay and tells Jay that his ex Keisha is claiming that he is the father of her 10 year old son.
Jay: The fuck that bitch say?
Kanye: You're the father of her 10 year old son...
Jay: Man, that's bullshit. I aint got no kids! I got one on the way though.
Kanye: Wait, rewind, You got one on the way?
Jay: Yeah man, Bey's pregnant.
Kanye: Congrats man! Anyway, I think you should turn to the news real quick
Jay: Alright man, thanks for the heads up. *hangs up*
(Jay is infuriated. He couldn't believe that bitch had the nerve to pull some shit like this 10 years later. Jay turned to CNN and saw his ex Keisha speaking with Piers Morgan about her book.)
Piers: So, Keisha, in this book you say that you and rap superstar Jay-Z dated for two years.
Keisha: Yes, we did, we had alot of issues though. Our biggest issue was trust. I couldn't trust him around groupies and stuff.
Piers: Did your relationship end as a result of his player ways?
Keisha: Yes, it was more than that though. He thought that he could make up for it by buying me expensive things and showering me with gifts when really I wanted was his affection.
Piers: In the book you also reveal that you have a 10 year old son named Jaylen.
Keisha: Yes.
Piers: Are you 100% sure that Jay-Z is the father of your child.
Keisha: Yes I am.
Piers: Does Jaylen ever ask about his father?
Keisha: The funny thing is Jay-Z is his favorite rapper, I mean Jaylen worships the ground he walks on, he wears the yankee caps and the sneakers, everything, he idolizes Jay. I didn't tell him because that would tear him up inside, but to be fair to Jay, I never told him about Jaylen in the first place so he shouldn't be blamed for being an absentee father, that was on me. I know for a fact that had Jay known about Jaylen he would've been an active father in his life. He always told me that it hurt him deeply when his father left him and he'd never want anyone to experience that kind of pain.
Piers: Do you plan on telling your son about Jay-Z
Keisha: Yes, I do eventually, but I would like to speak with Jay about it first.
Piers: If Jay-Z asks you to take a DNA test and it proves he isn't Jaylen's father, what will you do?
Keisha: Well, if that happens to be the case then i'll issue an apology and let him move on with his life.
Piers: Thank you for speaking with us Keisha.
Keisha: Thank you for having me. *shakes his hand*
Piers: We'll be right back after the break.
(As the show cuts to commercial Jay calls Keisha) Keisha: Hello
Jay: Keisha..!
Keisha: Jay?!
Jay: Yes Jay.
Keisha: Omg hey! I cant believe you still have my number! Whats up?! How you been?!
Jay: Uhh uhh.. stop with the bullshit. You know why Im callin.
Keisha: Oh..
Jay: Oh is right! How the FUCK you gon get on national LIVE TV and tell the world that you have a 10 year old son by me that I! dont even know about?!
Keisha: Jay I..
Jay: You WHAT?! Hoe you KNOW Im married! And now I have a baby on the way! And YOU wanna go and do this shit?! WHY wouldn't you just tell ME?! WHY did that thought never cross your mind?! WHY?!
Keisha: *crying* Jay Im..
Cameraman: Keisha we're back on in 30seconds
Keisha: *sniffles* Jay I have to go.. Ill call you when i can.
(Keisha fixes herself up and runs back to her seat.)
Cameraman: And we're on in 3..2..1..
Piers: And we're back here with Jay-Z's former girlfriend Keisha who claims to have a 10 year old son named Jaylen that Mr. Jay-Z doesn't even know about.
Keisha: Piers before we continue this interview, I'd just like to apologize to Jay's wife Beyoncé. I never took the time to think about how this would effect her, and for that I'm sorry. And I also want to say sorry to Jay for not telling him this earlier and personally, and to my son Jaylen for letting him grow up without a father.
Piers: That sounded very heartfelt, but just hope Beyonce don't catch a case and beat your ass.
Keisha: I will.
(Jay then switches off the TV and looks over at sleeping Bey.)
Jay: *to himself* Bey is gonna KILL me when she see's this shit and she'll probably know by the time she wake up cause Solo got a big ass mouth. *sighs*
(Jay decides to go to bed and tell Bey in the morning. In the morning Bey wakes up and sees she has 30 missed calls. 15 from Solo, 5 from Kelly, and 10 from her Mother. She decides to call Kelly first)
Kelly: Bey!? Where the fuck you been bitch I been calling you!
Bey: Bitch I was sleep!
Kelly: GORL I been calling to tell you Jay's ex Keisha was on Piers Morgan last night.
Bey: What did she say!?
Kelly: She said Jay's the father of her 10 year old son.
Bey: LAWD HAMMERCY! I'm pregnant and now this!?
Kelly: Wait...rewind! Do you say you're pregnant!? How did this happen?
Bey: WTF You mean bitch? Jay nutted in me. How else?
Kelly: Don't get smart hoe. I'm happy for you though.
Bey: *sighs* Thanks. Anyway lemme go kill this Negro.
Kelly: *laughs* Go easy on him Bey, Keisha said she never told him about the boy.
Bey: Alright Bye, love you.
Kelly: Love you too.
(Bey goes into the bathroom and and showered and brushed her teeth. She dressed in sweats and grabbed her phone and purse. When she was putting some stuff in her purse Jay was just waking up.)
Jay: Morning baby.
Bey: Hey.
Jay: Where you going?
Bey: Over to Solo's hotel.
Jay: I wanna go too, wait for me.
Bey: Jay I know about Keisha.
(Jay instantly freezes. He didn't think she'd find out so soon.)
Jay: Babe I swear I had no idea. Kanye called me and informed me.
Bey: Oh, well get a DNA and hurry up and get this shit over with, I don't need to be stressed during this pregnancy.
Jay: *pulls Bey close* Baby, hug me, tell me you love me.
Bey: *hugs him* You know I love you.
Jay: *kisses her forehead* Can I still come with you to see Solo and Julez?
Bey: Fine, hop your ass in the shower tho, you smell stank. *makes her stank face*
Jay: That's how we living? *laughs*
Bey: That's exactly how we living. Hurry yo ass up.
(Jay does the whole hygiene thing then they make their way to Solo's hotel.)
Julez: *answers the door* BB! *jumps in her arms*
Bey: *picks him up* Hi baby. *kisses him*
Julez: BB Daddy was here! He took me for ice cream!
Bey: Really?
Julez: Mhhm! And BB guess what?
Bey: What?
Julez: I have a baby sister! Her name is Danielle.
Bey: That's good baby.
Jay: *clears his throat*
Julez: *goes to Jay and uses his gangsta voice* Sup Uncle Jay? *daps him up*
Jay: It's all good lil man.
Bey: *cracks up* Jay, you not finna turn my baby into a pimp.
Jay: *laughs* Hes a pimp by blood just like you Baby Thug.
Bey: *laughs* Yea whatever.
Solo: Well well well.... Looks what the cat dragged in. *looking at Jay*
Jay: Whoa Whoa Whoa ! Chill sis. Let me explain.
Solo: *to Bey* Thu Thu you know this nigga got a son right?
Bey: That 1. he didn't know about 2. "Conceived" before he was with me and 3. Isn't even sure is his? Yes Solo I know.
Solo: Well excuse me for tryna help! Damn
Julez: You have a son Uncle Jay?
Jay: I don't know Lil Man. Maybe.
Julez: Cool, we should chill.
Solo: Boy, get in that damn room and pick up your clothes before I slap the spit out of your mouth.
Julez: Uncle Jay says I don't hafta, that's what girls are for. He says Auntie BB pick up his stuff all the time.
Bey: *looks at Jay* He did?
Julez: Mhhhm! Uncle Jay says you never tell him no. He said he could get butt from you anytime he wants, whatever that is.
Jay: Uh, come on Julez lets go pick up the stuff.
Bey: Jay! Get cho ass back here! Julez, go clean up your room before I put my foot in your throat!
(Julez runs in his room and Jay stands there with his head down cause he knows he's in trouble, meanwhile Solo is on the couch laughing her ass off. She couldn't believe Bey had talked to Julez like that. Solo couldn't wait to rub in his face how his precious Auntie had got his little fresh ass together.)
Bey: *trying to be calm* You told my seven year old nephew I was easy!?
Jay: I aint said it like that!
Bey: But you still said it Jay! *sits down* You gon give me heart palpitations
Solo: *cracking the fuck up* YASSS Thu Thu! Get these fools together.
Bey: I'm hungry, what you got up in here to eat?
Solo: There's some food over there on the table.
Bey: Ohh fuck yes!
(Bey runs to the table like a runaway slave and starts fucking up the food.)
Solo: Got damn bitch, slow down food aint going out of style!
Jay: Yeah Bey, take your time,
Bey: Both of yall shut the fuck up! *bites into waffle*
(After Bey finished eating they all decided to chill and watch a movie. They watched movies talked and just enjoyed each others comapny. Around four in the afternoon Bey and Jay decided to get going.)
Julez: Do you have to leave BB? *pouts*
Bey: You wanna come with us then baby?
Julez: *looks at Solo* Can I mommy?
Solo: You aint got to ask me twice go pack your stuff. *to Bey and Jay* I'm finna go clubbing tonight!
Bey: Smhh you are too much Solo.
(Julez runs back in with his bag packed and they leave for Bey and Jay's hotel. At Bey and Jay's hotel Bey got Julez settled in the other room while Jay was on his laptop.)
Julez: Auntie BB, mommy said you have a new baby, is that true?
Bey: No Julez, you're my only baby.
Julez: Promise?
Bey: Promise. *hugs him*
Julez: I'm gonna go find Uncle Jay.
(Julez runs into the living room to find Jay.)
Julez: Uncle Jay, can we play Xbox?
Jay: Sure Lil Man. *turns off his laptop and turns on the game* What game you wanna play?
Julez: Can we play the racing game?
Jay: Sure.
(Jay and Julez start playing Xbox when they hear a knock at the door)
Jay: *shouting* Babe can you get that please!?
(Bey goes to the front of the hotel room and answers the door and almost gave birth on the spot.)
Bey: Keisha, What are you doing here?



  1. lmfao Bey is funny af , putting Jay and Juelz in check .. and Keisha chick with another baby . oh boy...

  2. lmao all i can say is imagining piers morgan talking like that is hilarious! yall know he's a bey stan lol! i cannot believe kiesha though...springing this up on jay and bey AND for the whole world to see..smh! but this ending was funny as hell! like how jay gone tell julez that about bey? lmao update soon!

  3. Lmaooo at jay telling Julez that stuff I'm dead ctfuu but bey put both they ass in check lol and lordd what this trick Keisha want forreal great post
