Monday, January 23, 2012

The Test

When we left off in the last part, Bey shot her album package, and Jay and Ye worked on their album.
Then, Bey and Jay just enjoyed each other's company.


(Bey and Jay have been really busy so Bey didn't have the opportunity to take Julez to Disneyland, but she finally has a free day and she promised Julez that she would take him. Jay wakes up before Bey & writes her a note that says "Baby I gotta go work on the album this morning. Im havin breakfast delivered for you in a couple hours. I love you with all my heart and I'll see you later. Have fun at Disneyland"* *he leaves* *10:00 AM* *Bey's alarm goes off)
Bey: *turns off alarm. rolls over & feels for Jay* Jay..? Baby..? Jay?!*opens her eyes* Where is my husband?! *sits up and see the note.* *reads and smiles* I love him.
(Bey gets up and brushes her teeth and then there is a knock at the door)
Bey: That must be breakfast! *answers the door*
(Jay ordered her waffles, eggs, baccon and orange juice. She eats and gets in the shower.)
Bey: *starts feelin a little sick* Wtf did Jay order me?.. *washes up and gets out*
(After Bey gets dressed, she has to run to the bathroom to throw up, but it passes soon after. Then Bey's phone begins to ring) Bey: Hello. Julez: Auntie!! Im all ready for Disneyland!! Bey: Me too baby! Im on my way to get you now! Julez: Ok BB! I love you. Bey: I love you too. *They hang up and Bey goes to pick up Julez*
(Bey goes up to Solo's room and Julez answers the door)
Julez: Auntie!! *jumps in her arms*
Bey: Hey baby! *hugging him*
Julez: Auntie I missed you soo much! *kisses her cheek*
Bey: *laughs* I missed you too baby. *kisses his forehead*
Solo: *comes to the door* Can both of yall shut up and leave! I know yall see me tryna sleep! *walks back to her room and mumbles "Loud ass mother fuckers"*
Bey: *laughs* Come on baby lets go.
(Julez goes and says goodbye to Solo then he and Bey get in the car and Julius drives them to Disneyland)
(Julez is so hype and he wants to go on as many rides as possible)
Bey: Julez slow down baby!
Julez: *whines* Auntie! Did you have to wear heels today! You know those things slow you down!
Bey: Boy, the rides aint going nowhere alright?
Julez: Ok. Can we go on the roller coaster first?
Bey: Sure.
(After standing in line for 20 minutes Bey and Julez finally make it to the rollar coaster. After they get seated Julez gets a bit frightened)
Julez: *snuggles closer to Bey*
Bey: Julez what's wrong?
Julez: I'm kinda scared Auntie. *starts to tear up*
Bey: Oh, Baby, don't cry! *puts an arm around him* Nothing's gonna happen to you.
(Soon the ride begins to move and Julez clings to Bey more and more. They finally get to the top of the rollarcoaster and when Julez looked down he saw the entire park and that pretty much did it for him)
Julez: *busts out crying* Auntie, I don't wanna go down! Nooo!!!
Bey: Julez we're already at the top, it's too late to go back now.
(When Julez feels the rollar coaster inching downward he begins to lose it.)
Julez: *screams and cries* Get me of this ride!!
Bey: *shakes her head* Lord give me patience with this child.
(When the roller coaster drops Julez begins to scream and cry until he's red in the face. After a few more twists and turns and drops the ride finally came to an end. Julez looked a hot mess after he got off the ride)
Julez: *sniffling* I don't like that ride Auntie.
Bey: Alright lets try a different one.
Julez: Yeah, something safer. *wipes his eyes*
(Julez and Bey go on the little kiddie rides for awhile then they get something to eat and go on a few more rides. After that Julez began to get sleepy so Bey decided it was time for them to go.)
Bey: *carrying a sleeping Julez* GORL your son is a mess.
Solo: *laughs* what he do?
Bey: *tells her about the roller coaster*
Solo: *laughs* Aww my poor baby.
Bey: *lays him down on the bed and takes off his shoes* His poor little face was so red at end of the ride. I honestly felt bad for him Solo. *strokes Julez's hair.*
Solo: You do know he only acts like a baby when he's around you right?
Bey: Yeah I know, but he is my baby. I love- *starts to feel sick*
(Bey runs to the bathroom and starts to throw up her guts.)
Solo: OMG Bey are you ok?
Bey: *still puking* Mhhm.
(After Bey is done puking she rinses out he mouth and Solo just sits on the bed smiling at her*
Bey: Why the hell you smiling like that.
Solo: *still smiling* You're pregnant.
Bey: No I'm not.
Solo: Yes you are.
Bey: No I'm not!
Solo: Take a test.
Bey: Fine I will.
(Solo runs to her purse and gives Bey a pregnancy test)
Bey:You actually keep shit like this in your purse Solo?
Solo: Never know when you might need one.
(Bey goes into the bathroom and pees on the stick, she washes her hands then comes out to sit with Solo.)
Bey: Solo...I'm scared.
Solo: Scared of what Bey?
Bey: What if I am pregnant and then I...lose the baby again. *starts to tear up*
Solo: Bey, listen to me, if you are pregnant you will not loose this baby. That miscarriage had NOTHING to do with you, it was all daddy's fault. *pulls Bey into her arms.*
(They wait for five minutes then they both hear the test beep)
Bey: I'm scared.
Solo: I'll go get it.
(Solo goes in the bathroom to get the pregnancy test, even though she was only gone for a few seconds Bey felt like she was gone for hours)
Bey: What does it say?
Solo: You're pregnant.
Bey: I am!? *gets excited*
Solo: OMG! I'm gonna be an Auntie!!
(Solo and Bey hug each other and dance around the room like little kids. After the excitement wore down, Bey decided that she would go home and share the good news with Jay, she hugged Solo goodbye kissed Julez and left.)
(Bey walks into their hotel room and sees Jay and Rihanna sitting on the couch talking. Jay quickly spots her and stands up to greet her*
Jay: Hey baby, *kisses Bey on her forehead*
Bey: Hi.
Jay: How was Disneyland?
Bey: Fine.
Rih: HiBeyonce.
Bey: Hello Rihanna.
Rih: I can' t wait for your next album, Jay was just showing me some of the artwork, it looks like it's gonna be hot.
Bey: Mhhm.
Rih: I guess I should be going now, my flight leaves soon. Bye Jay, Great seeing you again Beyonce. *leaves*
(After Rihanna leaves Bey snatches up the folder that contains her album artwork and storms off into the bedroom to put it away.)
Jay: Baby what's wrong?
Bey: Why did you show her my album artwork Jay!? You know that bitch is a fucking theif!
Jay: Bey calm down, you're making a big deal out of nothing.
Bey: NO i'm not Jay! It wasn't YOURS to show her, if you wanna show her YOUR album artwork then fine, but keep her away from my shit!
Jay: I'm sorry baby...
Bey: *sigh* I know, just don't do it again.
Jay: I love you.
Bey: *smiles* I love you too.
(Bey then remembers the news that she had to tell Jay.)
Bey: Baby, I have something to tell you.
Jay: What is it baby.
Bey: *pulls the pregnancy test out of her purse and gives it to him*
(Jay looks at it and an instant smile breaks out across his face)
Jay: I'm gonna be a daddy!?
Bey: *smiles* Yeah, you're gonna be a daddyy
(Jay hugs Bey then kisses her fore head.)
Jay: You Ok?
Bey: *sigh* Yeah.
Jay: Look at me.
Bey: *looks at him*
Jay: I know you're worried about miscarrying, but if you stress yourself out about this you're putting you and our unborn child at risk.
Bey: You're right, I'm sorry.
Jay: It's Ok. *hugs her*
(Bey and Jay shower then cuddle up together and go to sleep)

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  1. awwwwww thats soooo cute!!! keep going!!

  2. awwww this was so cute ^_^
    And for some reason I HATE it when Rihanna appears in a story, even if she didn't do anything wrong LOL.
    And aww u made me sad all over again thinkin about that miscarriage... :'(
    But awesome post. Please update soon : )

  3. Awww that was sooo good!!! Lmaoo at Julez comment about bey heels ctfuu and Julez on the roller coaster lmaooo and awww bey is preggo awww that was cute how she found out and lmaoo at bey yess we don't trust that trick Rihanna yesss bey *hand clap for that* lmaoo great post tho cant wait for the next update!!!

  4. awwwww that was so cute and was rihanna doing there though lol..its like she pops up out of no where! Im so soo happy that bey is pregnant yess...but now since we all know the miscarriage was real it was kind of sad reading that part but it went great in the post! loved it ladies..update soon!

  5. Really cute!But my heart goes out to Bey and Jay for having to go through that miscarriage. I'm so glad they have Blue now though! Great post!
