Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mama Woke Up The Next Day And Shot Her Album Package

When we left off in the last part, Bey and Jay had a night full of hot ass sex! They got it in and then went to sleep exausted.

(The next morning Bey wakes up to the smell of pancakes and bacon)

Bey: *puts on one of Jay's t-shirts and goes in the kitchen* Mmmm smells good hubby.
Jay: *kisses her* Good morning wifey.
Bey: Look at you in here cookin.
Jay: Well I damn sure aint want YOU to do it!
Bey: Nahh, I'm good. *laughs*
(Jay makes both of them a plate while Bey is layin on the couch)
Bey: Thanks baby. *starts eating*
Jay: Damn baby, slow down, the food aint going nowhere. *laughs*
Bey: *laughs* I'm hungry, that hurtin' you put on me last night got a bitch famished. *laughs*
Jay: Well you know how I do. *laughs*
Bey: *hit's him playfully* Don't get cocky big head. *goes to put the plates in the sink*
Jay: *comes up behind her and kisses on her neck*
Bey: Babyy, no, I'm sore,
Jay: *laughs* Sorry baby.
Bey: You going to the studio today?
Jay: Yeah, you gon come?
Bey: I can't baby, I gotta shoot my album package.
Jay: Oh yeah.
Bey: If I get finished early i'll stop by ok?
Jay: Alright baby.
(Bey and Jay shower, get dressed, kiss each other goodbye and go to their separate locations)
Kanye: Yo, wassup Jay?
Jay: Hey Ye. *daps him up*
Kanye: Where the Mrs. at?
Jay: Shooting her album package, you know how she do.
Kanye: *laughs* Baby Thug on her grind. I respect that.
Jay: Anywho, lets lay this track down.
(Jay and Kanye lay down a few tracks then Jay decides to call Bey to see if she wants to go get lunch)
Bey: Hey baby, I was just about to call you.
Jay: Hey, Ye wants to know if you wanna go get some lunch with us.
Bey: I'm pretty much finished up here so yeah I'll come.
Jay: You want us to pick you up?
Bey: Ok, I'll see you in a little. *hangs up*
(Jay and Kanye go to pick up Bey and they all go for lunch)
Kanye: So Bey, how's the album coming along?
Bey: it's going great, I think my fans will be really impressed. How is yall's album going?
Kanye: It's going real good, but bighead over here be getting a lil cocky cause he don't have to write down his rhymes. *laughs*
Bey: I stay telling his big headed ass about being cocky. *shakes head and laughs*
Jay: Yall not finna come for me.
Bey: Hush up! *picks over his plate.*
Jay: Uhh-uhh *moves plate away from her* You know I hate when you do that shit.
Bey: *whines* Babyyyy!
Jay: Fine *puts the plate next to her*
Kanye: *laughs* She got you whipped man.
Jay: *blushing* So...?
Bey: *laughs* Leave my baby alone Ye.
Kanye: *laughs*
(They all finish their lunch and Bey and Jay go back to their hotel to chill)
Jay: So baby, what you wanna do?
Bey: Since I got finished early today, I wanna go see my nephew, I know he misses me.
Jay: Well alright you can call Solo and see what they're up to, imma go watch some TV.
Bey: Alright babe. *calls Solo*
Solo: Hello?
Bey:Hey Solo it's me.
Solo: Oh, Hey Bey! How did the shoot go?
Bey: It was great, I think my fans are really gonna love it.
Solo: Bey, they love anything you do. Just your smile makes their day.
Bey: Awww. *smiles* Anyway what are you and Julez up to?
Solo: Daniel showed up earlier and he and Julez went for some icecream, they should be back soon.
Bey: I hope you and Daniel haven't been fighting in front of him.
Solo: No, we haven't. We're trying to be civil, but can you believe that he showed up here with his new girlfriend and his new baby girl!?
Bey: OMG for real!?
Solo: No bitch, for fake. Of course for real!
Bey: Damn. He aint shit.
Solo: Anyway, when Julez gets back imma let him call you, I'm about to hit the town and look for some singles.
Bey: Solo you are a mess! Don't go out there catching nothing.
Solo: Man whatever Bey!
Bey: I love you Solo!
Solo: I love you too Bey. Bye.
Bey: Bye. *hangs up* Solo is a mess.
(Bey goes to find Jay, she sees him watching TV and goes to sit next to him)
Bey: Hey baby.
Jay: Hey. *pulls her closer*
Bey: What are you watching?
Jay: A soccer game.
Bey: Baby can we watch something else please?
Jay: *changes the channel* You wanna watch this?
Bey :Ok.
(Bey and Jay cuddle up next to each other and watch TV for the rest of the night.)


(The next post will be better lol)


  1. Awww that was good!! Great Post!!!! I can't wait for the next one

  2. Awww that was soo cute!!! I can't wait for the next post!!!

  3. Awww that was SO cute!!!! She definitely has Jay whipped haha. Can't wait for the next post ^_^

  4. aww this was so cute..i love how bey,jay, and ye all hang out together! I hope Daniel doesn't start anything with this chick he has with him smh..great post y'all!
